Littlemoor Community the Centre of Attention

With work well underway at Mercery Road, Weymouth, our team have taken time out this week to help neighbouring Littlemoor Community Centre with a DIY SOS style project.
Like many projects in the last few years, their garden overhaul had experienced delays. Mildren people, with the help of the supply chain team, have begun the first phase of revamp.
Before, progress and completed pictures of the first phase shown here. Mildren’s Ian Mattocks and Richard Platt carried out the work.
This first phase covered:
- clearing the area of rubbish and existing finishes
- cutting back shrubs, removing broken fence panels and debris
- connecting drain to a soakaway
- installing hardstanding
- installing a concrete base for the future storage shed
- topsoiling raised planting beds
The second phase to finish at Littlemoor will run concurrently with further construction at Mercery Road. It will include installation of a shed, replacement of a broken fence and planting raised beds.
We look forward to celebrating completion with the Littlemoor community…..let’s get that BBQ marinade ready!……
The project has been made possible through the team: London Metric, Seaxburh and Sharman Projects. Massive thanks to G Crook and Sons, Doonans and MKM for their generosity on materials and plant.