Plot 21 Terminus Road
Construction of six new business units
This is the second building project on the Terminus Road Industrial Estate that has been commissioned by Chichester District Council to support local businesses.
This is the second building project on the Terminus Road Industrial Estate that has been commissioned by Chichester District Council to support local businesses.
The redundant building, was no longer suitable for modern business needs and was demolished to make space for the new units.
Each unit provides between 230 and 300 square metres of floor space, plus the potential to add a mezzanine floor, at a tenants discretion. There is also an option for each business to dedicate some space as a trade counter area. It is predicted that each unit will employ around five people.
The nature of construction work carried out involved the removal of the former ground floor concrete slab and footings. Allowing for construction of the new business units, tarmacadam access road, block paved parking and footpaths, refuse and cycle stores.
New mechanical and electrical services distribution, drainage works, new perimeter security fence, removal of existing mature trees and pruning of overgrowth to boundaries, followed by new soft landscaping.
Simon French, Managing Director for Mildren Construction, commented ‘Mildren Construction are pleased to have undertaken the role of Principal Contractor on this exciting scheme with Chichester District Council. The new facility is of an excellent quality, providing a fantastic modern working environment for a multitude of businesses, close to the city centre and excellent transport links.’
Value of development
Development time
35 weeks
Number of units
Trade counter usage
B1 to B8
Plot 21 Terminus Road
Terminus Road, Chichester PO19 8TX, UK