West Bexington Car Park

Structural improvement works to the West Bexington car park

The scheme was to implement structural improvement works to the West Bexington car park, to form a new seaward edge to protect the car park against future coastal erosion. The car park is sited on the crest of Chesil Beach which isdesignated as SSSI, Special Area of Conservation, a World Heritage Site and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Environmental considerations were therefore a major feature of this Design and Construction project which was procured under a target cost form of contract.

A king pile and timber plank retaining wall was the chosen design solution for the main structure, capped with a reinforced concrete beam and a post and rail fence. This section of the works required significant excavations which were undertaken within the tidal range and in onerous ground conditions. Car park reconstruction behind theretaining wall was constructed using traditional methods. The overall project was completed on programme and beneath the target cost resulting in a gain share between client and contractor.

Development time

12 weeks

West Bexington CP

West Bexington Car Park

West Bexington Car Park, Chalets, West Bexington, Dorchester, UK