Gen 4-2 Eastleigh Cycle Routes
Cycle lane improvements
The works for the new cyclist provision are located between Eastleigh Town Centre (North extent) and Southampton Airport Parkway Station. They run from Station Hill Road (A335) near Eastleigh Railway Station, along Leigh Road, Desborough Road and Arnold Road to tie into Ambassador Walk, bordering Lakeside Country Park and re-join the A335, Southampton Road.
Works included:
• Construction of a segregated cycle lane on Leigh Road from Station Hill Road (A335).
• Associated drainage works include gullies, catchpits, pipework and soakaways up to 4m deep.
• Improvements to the junctions of Leigh Road with Station Hill Road and Desborough Road with Chestnut Avenue.
• Installation of ducting for street lighting and future provision of services and traffic signals.
• Creating continuous cycleway on Desborough Road and Arnold Road
• Associated signing and road markings
• Top soiling, grass seeding and the installation of tree pits
• Improvement along Ambassador Walk and coordination for utility diversions and with other contractors for installation of Streetlighting and Landscape planting or maintenance.
24 weeks
Hampshire County Council

Gen 4-2 Eastleigh Cycle Routes
Eastleigh, UK