Fareham Station Roundabout
Road widening and Embankment Stabilisation Scheme
The A27 The Avenue, Bishopsfield Road to Station Roundabout, improvement scheme brings a major upgrade to the A27 and improves accessibility to Fareham Railway Station. The route is bordered by Fareham College, the Fire Station and residential properties.
Mildren Construction were awarded the contract under the SE7 Regional Highway Framework. The road was widened along with a shared footway/cycleway will be constructed between Fareham College and Fareham Railway Station.
An existing 4-way traffic light junction has been modified and improved. A new bus stop has been built above an extension to the existing subway very close to the Railway Station. To achieve all of this land has been acquired from adjacent properties, which have required accommodation works in the form of boundary walls and new entrances.
Work around Fareham Railway Station were coordinated with a Network Rail/Southwest Trains’ contractor providing public realm improvements and other work in Station Approach.
Development time
48 weeks
Project type
Works included
Utilities connections

Fareham Station Roundabout
Fareham Station, Fareham, UK