Co-Op, Curtis Fields, Weymouth

Construction of a new Co-op convenience store with seven flats above

The construction and erection of a two-storey steel and timber frame structure for a new Co-op convenience store with seven flats above, at Curtis Fields in Weymouth.

The allocation included provision for a 4,000 sq ft A1 retail unit fronting Chickerall Road working.

The works included the following:

  • Strip and Pad foundations
  • Construction of suspended and ground bearing slabs
  • Installation of roof
  • Brickwork
  • Erection of timber frame
  • Cladding
  • Windows and doors
  • First and Second fix
  • Installation of prefabricated balconies
  • Service Connections

Development time

24 weeks

Floor space

4,000 sq ft

Photos for website final

Co-Op, Curtis Fields, Weymouth

Weymouth, UK