Bordon Relief Road Phase 2B
New relief road
Whitehill & Bordon’s new 3km relief road, runs through the former Army Tank training area, relieving traffic congestion through the old town centre as well as opening up new access routes to new residential developments forming part of this Garden Town.
Previous works packages had already seen a significant amount of site clearance, earthworks and drainage. This particular package of works involved the construction of a 1.7km stretch of new road, including four new bell mouth junctions to tie-in with an existing carriageway crossing the route, as well as create two new off-slips which will eventually form access to new parcels of development land. Works also included for surfacing of both the carriageway and public footpath, installation of a new fourway traffic light system, and street lighting & signage along the route.
Development time
20 week
Works included
1.7km new road
Work included
New Access Routes
Bordon Relief Road Phase 2B
A325, United Kingdom